Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I always have the most interesting conversations on the treadmill. Granted, I don't DO that much low-intensity/long-duration cardio there...not in prep, not EVER........but when I'm there? It seems like everyone is just chatting and hanging out and shooting the sh#t.

It's not often that I get the leisurely opportunity to chit chat, but when I do? It's quite an education. I don't know why, but when you are a competitor (especially a PRO competitor), people always feel the need to tell you whatever it is that THEY are currently doing in the way of diet/training. I'm never sure if a)they're looking for feedback/input, b)talking just because they too are bored, or c)really think I'm interested in their fitness goals.

I don't mean to be rude. Really, I don't. But sometimes it's like, 'REALLY? Did you really just SAY that?'

Today, for instance. I had a nice chat with an amateur figure competitor. She was telling me how at 8 weeks out, she's doing 2-a-day cardio........but 'only low intensity' so she 'can hang on to muscle' in her legs. 'No sprinting allowed.' Hmmmm.......really? In my experience, lots of cardio made my legs flat and appear softer and less separated.............or, the constant forward leaning motion on the elliptical/treadmill/arc trainer/stepper continued to exacerbate my quadriceps' dominance over my hamstrings. (BTW, she's 8 weeks out. Where is there to build from here? 3-a-days? 4-a-days? I shudder to think about it.)

She also told me that her trainer 'did not allow her to lose any weight' until this week. Now, this REALLY puzzled me. What does the number on the scale moving vs not moving have to do with progress? Just because the scale isn't moving does NOT mean you are maintaining lean muscle mass and shedding fat. It's a number..............a reference point..............a single solitary piece of data that taken in isolation is MEANINGLESS.

Additionally, her friend, the aerobics instructor? She couldn't make it today for am cardio. So silly me, I ask, 'She teaches aerobics? Why does she need MORE cardio?' The answer was, 'Because it doesn't work anymore for her. And she retains a lot of water, especially in her midsection.' Of course, it's WATER!!!! And more cardio is the obvious solution, no? How stupid must I be not to know these things???????? It couldn't possibly be that it's the CARDIO that's making her fat?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????

It's frustrating. These are very nice, very well-intentioned girls. I see them working hard in the gym, and I want to scream, 'WHAT ARE YOU DOING????????????' (However, they have neither asked for nor want my help. So, I put a sock in it. Hey...not like i'm not busy with my own stuff.)

It's like Erik and I were discussing the other day........hard work is only beneficial if you're doing the right things. That work has to have a purpose and a clear-cut goal, along with proper nutrition to support that goal.

More isn't always better. Sometimes, more is just..............more.

1 comment:

  1. "
    More isn't always better. Sometimes, more is just..............more. "

    SO TRUE!
    Same here. Drives me nutso to see the same people day in and out, doing the same crap, never changing, and then say "oh-you're so lucky!"
    BS. Luck has nothing to do with it.
